Sunday, July 26, 2009

Holiday homework 5

Picture discussion
This picture depicts a scene of a group of students conducting experiments in a science labatory. They are wearing white coats and protective latex gloves. It is most probably to prevent the bacteria they are handling from getting onto their skin. The table consists of 4 students, one of the students is using distilled water maybe to purufy the specimen. All the students look engrossed woth the experiments they are doing. It seems like they were having fun with the experiments they were handling. They have to be very careful with the experiments. and laboratory rules have to be followed to ensure safety in the lab.

my favourite subject would be additional mathematics. I feel that through a maths, my thinking skills would be better developed as many questions in a maths requires patience and hard thinking. Usually i have little patience in other subjects, bit after studying topics like logarithim and trigo, i found out that a little patience is all it takes to solve many problems.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Holiday Homework 4

Picture Discussion
This picture depicts the scene of a hawker centre. Many people are helping to clean and tidy up the hawker centre. Many of them are dressed in uniforms, thus we can infer that most of them are hwker vendors and town council members. They are spraying water on the floor, and cleaning the tables and chairs with a liquid which is most likely to be disinfectant. The cleaning of the hawker centre is for hygeine pruposes. It may be for the fight against the recent h1n1 outbreak. hygenie plays a very important part. Thus, it is crucial for us to be hygenic at all times to keep h1n1 from spreading.

My house would be considered clean and tidy as my mother is very particular about cleanliness. It is neccessary that we keep the enviroment around us clean and tidy. If we dont, when we look for things we would be rummagaing around the whole house, making it messier than it already is. I feel that it is important to keep tidy and clean.

Holiday Homework 3

Picture Discussion

This picture depicts a scene of a class in the science lab carrying out practicals. In this picture, 4 students are surronding a table on which a pulley is located. There is a teacher by their side guiding them on how to carry out this experiment properly. The boy to the right of the picture is listening intently to the teacher and also observing how this experiment is carried out. The other 2 students beside him does not seem to be paying as much attention. They are scribbling something on the books in front of them. The students all seem to be very serious in this practical, which i think is important as they may have to use these skills in their end of year exams.


A subject that i like in school would most probably be A Maths. I feed that this subject really requires you to think and not memorise like english or history. Doing maths question also kills time fast, sometimes, i can spend 40-50min on a question.

I do not like hands-on work, rather, i would prefer written work. Hands-on work is very tiring and it just does not suit me. But with written work, i can just sit there and do it the whole day. I feel that it is better to learn things by doing them. Although i think this way, i still prefer reading as i am too lazy.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Holiday Homerwork 2

Picture discussion

This picture depicts a scene of some children building a sand castle at a beach. All the children are crowding around a mound of sand, which is most probably the foundations of the sand castle which they are going to construct. There is also an adult who is most probably guiding them on how to build the sand castle. Some of the boys know that their picture is being taken and looks up. Perhaps a sandcastle competetion going on as many other sandcastles are also being constructed. The children look like they are all having fun. There are also many children of different races working together on the sandcastle. This shows that people of different races and age can work together too.


I once took part in a running competetion. It was tough and i needed many weeks of training. My coach took this competetion very seriously as it was the competetion for my nationals. Many schools participated in this competetion as well and some of them were quite professional. I enjoyes competing and i got 7th position which meabt that i won a trophy. furthermore, the competitors were one year older than me, which is why i thought of it as a major accomplishment..:)

Holiday Homerwork 1

Picture Discussion
This picture depicts a scene of a group of old people having fun in a nursing home. In the picture, old people could be seen playing ball with one another. A nurse is present to watch over them while they play. The elderly are positioned in the shape of a circle, with a nurse to toss the ball towards them. They seem to be having fun. This activity helps the old people to bond with one another and allows them to make new friends so that they will not be lonely in the nursing home. Although a few of the old people look bored, most of them are having fun. Probably something more intellectual would be arranged for them later. The nurses seem very professional in their line of work, as they try their best to allow the old people to have fun. In conclusion, i think that these activities are very beneficial to the old people, and relieves them of their loneliness and boredness which is accompanied by with old age.

My grandfather is the old person i'm going to talk about today. From him, i've learnt that life is full of setbacks, but with each, we learn new things and make us more experienced. I have not considered of what i could do for him. But if i had a chance, it is likely that i would go with him overseas. As he is adventurous by nature, and likes to go to other countries alone. Thus, i feel that if i had a chance to get away from my studies, i would go with him to see the world.
Personally, i do not think that children should abandon their parents in nursing homes, as it is unethical. Afterall, everything that their parents did was for them, and to abandon them is just not right. But if i had to make a special home for the elderly, i would design one such that it is more homely and with facilities that allow them to excersise to keep their minds active. A mahjong table would be most ideal. As it has been proven that mahjong helps to keep active minds. I would also hire good nurses and everything they do must be for the interest for the elderly.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Term 2 week 1

Linda hated to visit Mr Tan's supermarket. The things sold there were by no means cheap for the price that was to be paid, one would expect at least fresh food. But it was not to be so.There were times when she found the meat to be staled, or that the tinned food had been expired. Yet the residents continued to patronise the supermarket, for there were no other supermarkets within walking range. The weekends were the only times when they could travel on the hour's bus out of the district to stock up fresh food. But the supply never seemed enough and then they would need to return to Mr Tan's supermarket.

Mr Tan would stand outside his store, satisfied with the many people trudging into his store, and he made even more money buying expired tinned food and staled meat and vegetables. He knew that this year, he would be able to buy one more unit in the fancy condominium downtown. Who knows, he may even apply to set up a supermarket in that area. He guffawed at the thought of more profits rolling in.

But his plans were soon foiled by the new convenience store that was set up in the next avenue. Although it was smaller than Mr Tan's, it was bright and cheerful, with helpful staff eager to serve the customers. It was part of a larger chain convenience store and thus had the advantage of buying in bulk. Their goods were not all cheaper, but were fresher that Mr Tan's store. Gradually, Mr Tan's store grew quiet.

Of course Mr Tan was furious. At first, he was sure his customers would come back after realising that the convenience store did not have the variety he did. They did not. Months past and the dip in profits began to show. Mr Tan was enraged. He vowed to get revenge and started putting his plan into action. He asked some thugs to inject laxatives into the packet drinks sold by the convenience store. There was some panic after some children began suffering from diarreah after drinking the packet drinks. But the store escaped punishment as the blame was put largley onto the manufacturer. Mr Tan did not believe his ears.

Slowly, Mr Tan saw his comfortable life slipping away as business did not improve. He hated the store so much that he would drive past it and stare at it for hours. Finally he decided to take action. He would not let the store destroy him. Rather, it would be brought down with him. He croaked a mirthless laugh, eyes blazing with intense hatred.

The following night, he crept to the convenience store with a tin of kerosene and set it on fire. He was so elated by his success that he just stood there, laughing and cheering as the residents came running out of their homes. Even when the police came and arrested him with the large tin of kerosene in his hands, he carried on laughing. After all, he had finally beaten the convenience store..

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Term 1 week 9

Yati crept quietly into her usual corner. If her employer heard any sound from her, he would most likely be unhappy again. Then he might decide to punish her again. Yati did not want to think about that happening. She had just been whipped by his heavily studded belt for bringing him a cup of coffee, which was deemed too hot. She willed herself not to cry. Crying would not help her, it never did, not since the first time she did and was rewarded with two heavy punches to her temple which left her with a throbbing headache fir 3 days. She did not want to risk a headache for the coming weeks.

Mr Leong soon grew weary and felt asleep on the couch. Yati took the opportunity to steal quietly into the kitchen where she could tend to her wounds. The mosaic of lacerations on her bosy did not shock her. Afterall, she was used to such new prints being superimposed on her old wounds. They were nothing to gape at, she thought. The running water made her think of the little brook in her village in india which sang merily along each time she went to it to obtain water. The sun's ray would play on the clear water, making it look like a bed of shimmering diamonds. Yati's eyes filled up with tears as she thought how much beauty and love she had to give up to come here to work. She thought of her aged parents and younger siblings, sighing as she saw that there was really no choice. Her mere $500 a month went a long way before giving them a better life.

Suddenly a sharp stinging slap caused her t0 fall forward and hit her head on the tap. Lifting up her bleeding brow as she turned around, she held up her hands to ward off the blows that came raining down on her. Mr Leong launched into a tirade about how she was using water to clean herself, while at the same time hitting her non-stop. Yati closed her eyes and imagined herself in a distant place, far away from this psychopath that was her employer. She tried to ignore the searing pain each time his heavy hands lahed down mercilessly onto her, which opened wounds and made new ones. Yati concentrated on the little paradise she had created in her mind each time the beatings started. That was the only way of keeping sane. She could see her fmily in her paradise, together with her as in the good old days..

After Mr Leong finally got weary, he lurched back to his room and slammed the door shut. Yati picked up her battered body off the floor and dragged herself to the little space in the kitchen which has been assigned as her room. She took out the shoebox from among the sheets that made up her bed and opened it carefully. In it gleamed a shiny butcher knife, nestled in a few pages of few old newspaper. Yati fingered it gingerly, almost reverently. This was her way out of the situation. She only had to wait for Mr Leong to beat her near the box, and then she would plunge it into his corpulent mass...She knew it would not be a long wait......