Sunday, March 22, 2009

Term 2 week 1

Linda hated to visit Mr Tan's supermarket. The things sold there were by no means cheap for the price that was to be paid, one would expect at least fresh food. But it was not to be so.There were times when she found the meat to be staled, or that the tinned food had been expired. Yet the residents continued to patronise the supermarket, for there were no other supermarkets within walking range. The weekends were the only times when they could travel on the hour's bus out of the district to stock up fresh food. But the supply never seemed enough and then they would need to return to Mr Tan's supermarket.

Mr Tan would stand outside his store, satisfied with the many people trudging into his store, and he made even more money buying expired tinned food and staled meat and vegetables. He knew that this year, he would be able to buy one more unit in the fancy condominium downtown. Who knows, he may even apply to set up a supermarket in that area. He guffawed at the thought of more profits rolling in.

But his plans were soon foiled by the new convenience store that was set up in the next avenue. Although it was smaller than Mr Tan's, it was bright and cheerful, with helpful staff eager to serve the customers. It was part of a larger chain convenience store and thus had the advantage of buying in bulk. Their goods were not all cheaper, but were fresher that Mr Tan's store. Gradually, Mr Tan's store grew quiet.

Of course Mr Tan was furious. At first, he was sure his customers would come back after realising that the convenience store did not have the variety he did. They did not. Months past and the dip in profits began to show. Mr Tan was enraged. He vowed to get revenge and started putting his plan into action. He asked some thugs to inject laxatives into the packet drinks sold by the convenience store. There was some panic after some children began suffering from diarreah after drinking the packet drinks. But the store escaped punishment as the blame was put largley onto the manufacturer. Mr Tan did not believe his ears.

Slowly, Mr Tan saw his comfortable life slipping away as business did not improve. He hated the store so much that he would drive past it and stare at it for hours. Finally he decided to take action. He would not let the store destroy him. Rather, it would be brought down with him. He croaked a mirthless laugh, eyes blazing with intense hatred.

The following night, he crept to the convenience store with a tin of kerosene and set it on fire. He was so elated by his success that he just stood there, laughing and cheering as the residents came running out of their homes. Even when the police came and arrested him with the large tin of kerosene in his hands, he carried on laughing. After all, he had finally beaten the convenience store..

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