Friday, February 6, 2009

Term 1 week 4

Many people equate discipline with harsh rules and punishments. When one thinks of discipline, it is often associated with schools, army or prisons. Hence, it is a word greatly detested by younger people. But this is a very narrow view of what discipline really is. In fact, discipline is a concept that distinguishes the strong from the weak. But the strength mentioned here is not the physical one. Instaed this strength refers to control, both over our actions and our emotions. This is certainly not a bad thing; it is the means by which we are able to complete tasks and exist harmoniously with others.

Discipline is neccessary as long as we want to achieve our goal. How many times have u promised yourself to complete an assignment, but found it hard to get down to it because there are so many distractions around u? Your friends could be going down to the mall for an afternoon of fun and food, which makes you even more restless. However, if you are disciplined, you would be able to shut these distarctions out and concentrate on getting your work done. Discipline will go a long way in establishing the correct work ethics that will come in handy regardless if you are a student or in the workforce.

Furthermore, discipline also helps you to manage your time efficiently. It mskes you priortise your commitments properly and helps you to objectively decide where your time should be spent.This is important as there are so many things that compete for your attention that you may end up making the wrong decisions based on personal likes and dis;ikes rather than their relative importance. Thus you may vote the go out for a movie first instead of studying for a test taht is tommorow. Due to the fact that you may be too exhausted or in high spirits after you return from the outing, the likelihood of studying for the test dangerously low. In this way, u may end up failing the test. Such a price is surely too high to pay for a lack of discipline.

Being able to control our negative emotions is also an asset we should develop. Thus, instead os flaring up over just the slightest provocation, discipline enables us to logically assess situations carefully instead of giving in to our initial negative reactions. This will help lubricate relationships and build up our interpersonal skills. Hence, emotional discipline is an important feature in a successful person.

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