Thursday, March 12, 2009

Term 2 week 5

It is common to hear children talking about how eager they were to grow up. Yet, as i approached adulthood, i felt far from eagerness.
This is especially in areas of responsibility, when one grows up, people around him expects him to be mature and make the right choices. True, as one grows up, he eventually learns to break the ice. As a student, all i need to take care of is my results, so as to have a good career in the near future. As an adulti, i would have to be an responsible employee andspouse, parent and provider.
An attendant reality of growing up ig getting a decent job to support myself and my family.. It is ok to talk about ambitions and aspirations now, but achieving it is another thing.Nothing guarentees that i will get a job that i desire. The realisation of my incapability will definitely disillusion me.
Even as i am writing now, the world is changing. In this rapidly moving world, the ability to adapt to frequrnt changes is crucial for survival. Ehat we are used to now will inevitably be a thing of the past when we grow up. I may not be ready for it, I may find myself relegated to the heap of forgotten 'has beens' or worst, the 'never has beens'....

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