Saturday, March 21, 2009


The wailing of the sirens insistently penetrated her confused mind. Melody was frightened, so terrified that the tissue paper she held was being torn to shreds and was floating ignomiously onto the floor of the ambulance. She stared sorrowfully at the lifeless form on the stretcher. He was her best friend. "If only he had listened to me!" she sobbed. "I could explain everything!". Anguished tears wracked her bosy again as a fresh spasm of pin overwhelmed her.

The day started like any other day. It was sunny, and the sky was cloudless. She had arranged to meet thomas at the school gates before entering to get their results. The results were important to all students, but even more so to thomas, for he was on scholarship and needed to do well in it to have the scholarship extended. Thomas came from a single-parent family, with his mother taking on three jobs a day to make ends meet. He was very close to his mother and was hoping that the scholarship would see him through school wothout further burdening her. To be frank, everybody was certain that thomas would excel in this exam, for he was definitely a cut above the rest. In addition, he was also the most dilligent amongst his peers. In fact, Melody had sneaked a look at his results and saw that he had once again topped the school.

Melody liked her best fren very much, but wished that he could lightn up instead of burdening himself with his studies all the time. She felt that he had not lived life to the fullest, always thinking about how he could further improve his results so that he could get a better job in the future. Melody had no such concerns, she came from an affluent family and need not worry where her next meal would come from. As she stood idly kicking the stones on the pavement, an idea began to hatch in her mischevios mind. She would play a joke on Thomas. She would tell him he had not done as well as he expected to and when he should finally see his results he would be elated.! Melody beamed at bringing that joy to her friend.

When Thomas's thin frame became discernible in the distance, Melody schooled her features into a mask of sadness.Thomas saw it and ran to her, worried for his friend. His face was lined with great concern as he peered at her. "Its not me thomas, results..." Melody stammered. Thomas' face clouded with shock. He looked as of he was going to faint for he had turned so pale. As melody realised her joke had not been such a good idea after all, thomas spun and ran into the street.In his despair, he had not seen the truck coming towards him and was directly in front of it when it was a few metres away. Melody shouted for him to stop and listen to her, but it was too late. The sickening crunch of the massive wheels rolling over thomas' frail bodytore through her senses and she stood there, rooted to the ground., shocked at the result of her joke. She heard hysterical screaming somewhere close by and started mumbling repeatedly."Listen to me, i can explain everything. Listen to me......"

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